[news] 'First 1st place' NU'EST W Jonghyun "It's like a dream and it feels strange, it's all thanks to the fans."
Group NU'EST W have met their first prime. Right after their special single 'If You' was released on the 25th, it went up onto 1st place on music charts, and the response from fans and the general public is hotter than any other time. Compared to their previous single, 'Love Paint' their rankings have risen so quickly that it's almost impossible to compare.
Regarding this, NU'EST W leader JR (Kim Jonghyun) relayed his thankfulness and overwhelming emotions to the fans who've given them love through OSEN, right after they hit 1st place on music charts on the 25th.
Kim Jonghyun revealed, "I think it feels really strange. Up till now we have come along with the thought of having to deliver good music not only to our fans but also the general public, but being able to let so many people listen to our music makes me happy and it feels like a dream."
Following that, he expressed his thankful heart to his fans, "I believe all of this is because the fans cheered for us and loved us. Although we can't fully express our hearts with just the words 'thank you', thank you, thank you, and really, thank you so much."
Kim Jonghyun added, "Thank you so much for helping us so that we are able to continue showing our music, and our performances to everyone."
NU'EST W's 'If You' is a special single before their offical comeback in the later half of the year, and is the first song from NU'EST W, which consists of JR, Aron, Baekho, Ren, excluding Minhyun who joined Wanna One. 'If You' is composed and written by Kiggen, and is a song that contains the lonely longing of someone who is not beside them.
translations by wartortlekjh
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