[pann] Kim Jonghyun’s dance
[+325, -25]
It seems like he dances with strength and matches the moves perfectly
I was also shocked after seeing this gif and I felt this after watching his pr video or when he danced to the violin…
Even in Never he also dances well and it seemed like he was teaching the members too so I’m anticipating his fancam
This one is just it must hurt because his suspenders came out but he still danced hard…
- [+152, -6] He dances that well but he’s so busy supporting the kids in the back that he doesn’t receive the spotlightㅠㅠ He’s sweating so hard and even though he’s part is only 4 seconds, in the midst of that after hearing the words that its a killing part he gained the nicknack Best 4 seconds
SighㅠㅠJonghyun ah, fans’ hearts are breaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠI’ll anticipate the fancam
- [+142, -4] You can’t tell because he doesn’t have much screentime but he was Pledis’ no. 1 male trainee
- [+121, -6] Seems like he’s moves are accurate
- [+44, -1] Even so there are people who hate on him for having insufficient skills..ㅠㅠ
- [+43, -0] Seems like Kim Jonghyun dances like ddakddakddak with strength… How much strength he must put in, if you look at the ending, only Jonghyun has sweat pouring down his faceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
translations by wartortlekjhplease take out with full credits