old posts – 120317 [From. JR] Hello this is NU’EST.. actually JR ..ㅋ
Hello. This is NU’EST~~
It’s actually JR~
We’ve finally debuted~~
I’m so so happy to be able to meet the fans!!
Now we will really gradually show you our NU’EST’s colours, so!
I’m saying please anticipate~~
In the future too, continuously!! Please give us lots of love~~~
Don’t forget that the first broadcast hasn’t ended!
Don’t forget that for the events there’s still a massive event left too!
It was nice to meet you guys over the phone today!~~
NU’EST fighting!!!
The fans too, fighting!!
Please make us 1st place~~ You’ll do that, right??^^
Up till now it’s been NU’EST leader JR!.
translations by wartortlekjhplease take out with full credits